Equines – Websites

We host a number of websites that provide more detailed information on our products and services, as well as general information on the diseases and conditions many animals face. Please visit these websites to learn more.

Equine DewormingTo maximize your horse’s health from the inside out, you must involve your veterinarian. Only with the help of your veterinarian will you be able to identify the right horse, the right product and the right time and truly be able to Get Rotation Right.www.getrotationright.com
Get Vaccinating RightVaccinating your horse at the right time, prior to exposure to viral and bacterial diseases, is crucial. Learn about diseases of concern, MSD Animal Health vaccines, signs of adverse reactions and ways to minimize risk and help prevent outbreaks through better biosecurity and management practices.www.getvaccinatingright.com
Mare and Foal CareThe pregnant mare and her foal have unique healthcare needs. The Merck Animal Health Mare and Foal Care program is a comprehensive guide to healthcare from pre-breeding through the foal’s first birthday.www.foalcare.com